Monday 2 November 2009

End of the Typography Project.

The type project has been finished, handed in and marked.  The end of the project was a relief - not that it had finished, but that I had completed the project, to the best of my ability.  Overall I really enjoyed this project and found it very interesting - learning new things about different artists and new techniques to be used on the Mac's.  The end result of my project (shown above) I am very pleased with and believe that it works well for this book.  The type was created all by hand - which was what was asked of us, and then manipulated slightly on the Mac's.  I do think that if I had slightly more time, or managed my time a little better, I would have been able to focus a little more on the research side of things, due to time running out towards the end this part was rushed so I could create a decent final piece.  The only slight issue I had with this project was because half of it was to be produced on the computers it became a distraction, meaning I didn't focus well when in the Mac room because I had them there to play the radio etc.